Community Leadership

NSW Overview

Demographics of Councillors

under 30 years
31 - 60 years
over 60 years

Councillor population (%)

State population (%)

Councillor population gender

State population gender

Aboriginal & Torres
Strait Islander

Language Diversity

Councillor population (%)

State population (%)

Code of Conduct Complaints Received

Code of Conduct Complaints

A code of conduct complaint alleges a council official, acting in their official capacity, has breached the standards covered by the council’s adopted code of conduct.

The number of code of conduct complaints received by a council about its councillors or the general manager is often an indicator of the internal health of the organisation and are often symptomatic of political infighting or interpersonal conflict.

For the reporting period 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022:

  • 67 councils received one or more code of conduct complaint.
  • 333 code of conduct complaints about councillors or general managers were received by councils.

The total estimated cost of dealing with code of conduct complaints by all councils was $998,151.