
This website provides information in one place about local councils across NSW to help local communities, the local government sector and government regulators understand how well local government is performing as a whole, and how well individual councils are performing over time and in comparison to similar councils.

Data for this website has been sourced from council’s financial statements, annual reports and a number of council returns. The website also refers to data from a number of agencies and entities. Below are links to the data sources used and referred to within this website.

The accuracy of this website is largely dependent upon the accuracy and completeness of data returns lodged by councils. The Office of Local Government (OLG) does not separately audit the data, but we do conduct extensive testing for validity and reasonableness.

Performance data has been collected from councils since 1994. The time series data provides detailed tables in Microsoft Excel format of the data used in this website and in previous comparative reports.

Work is continuing to develop the best possible indicators of council performance across key areas. The data reported will continue to evolve over time. If you have any feedback on this website or suggestions for suitable key performance indicators for future inclusion, please contact the OLG.

Data File Name Size Description View
Your Council's Data Sources and Definitions 26kB Your Council's Data Sources and Definitions
OLG Groups 36kB OLG Groups
Performance Benchmarks and Definitions 19kB Performance Benchmark Definitions
Time Series Data 840kB Time series data in Microsoft Excel format, collected from NSW councils since 1994
Previous Comparative Reports Previous Comparative Reports