MidCoast is located on the mid north coast of NSW and comprises 196 towns and villages. The area boasts 192km of coastline including beaches, some with 4WD vehicle access. The area is also known for its coastal lakes and lagoons, marine park and wetlands including the internationally recognised Myall Lakes.
The area is home to Barrington Tops renowned World Heritage listed area and is the largest producer of crustaceans and of Sydney Rock Oysters in NSW
Data for this website has been sourced from Council’s financial statements, Council’s annual report and Council’s data returns. The website also refers to data from a number of agencies and entities. Please refer to the data page of this website for links to definitions, information on performance measures, benchmarks, OLG Groups and the data sources that have been used.
Please contact Council if you would like any further details or explanations regarding individual results and any differences between your Council’s performance and that of another council.